Kitchen Fire On Ardmore Ave
By Firefighter Josh Bennett
April 15, 2014

On Tuesday April 15th, a reported oven fire was called into the station around 18:10 hours at 206 Ardmore Ave. Squirt 151 responded under the command of Captain John Young and advised Camden County dispatch to tone the station for the dwelling fire. 15101 arrived on location to find smoke showing from the front door, all residents were out of the home. Command advised the squirt to stretch an 1' 3/4 hand line to the kitchen. Ladder 151 responded under the command of Captain Jim Moore, along with Engine 1512 under the command of Captain Bill Tessing IV. Interior crews were able to extinguish the fire with an extinguisher and the fire was brought under control at 18:18 hours. Rescue 151, Engine 1513 and BLS 1558 also arrived on location and helped with repacking hose and overhaul. FM 151 was special called to the location for the investigation. No injuries were reported, and the residence did have working smoke detectors. The fire is under investigation by the Haddon Township Fire Marshals Office.

Units: Squirt 151 , Ladder 151 , Engine 1512 , Rescue 151 , Engine 1513 , BLS 1558 , FM 151 , Battalion 15 , 15101 (chief) ,